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Autumn 1 - Euromazing


With Brexit still ongoing and tensions rising, we have decided to take matters into our own hands! We want to make sure that everyone in Europe stays friends no matter what the outcome may be. 


We plan to visit different countries in Europe where we will learn about their cultures, geography, history and traditions. 



Our main song this half term will be 'We're all in this together!'

Have a practice singing and learning the lyrics below...

High School Musical 1 - We're All in This Together (Lyrics) 1080pHD

High School Musical 1 - We're All in This Together (Lyrics) 1080pHD

We firstly brainstormed what we already knew about Brexit and the EU. We looked at some images associated with Brexit and spoke about what message they were trying to show.

We then looked at the different countries that are part of the EU. We labelled these countries on a map of Europe.

Using the atlases, we labelled larger cities found in the UK.

We then decided to focus on England. We used the internet to help us find key information about England to create a factfile.

We then looked at our capital city - London. We looked at pictures of famous landmarks and matched them to their name and a fact about it.

We then wrote a setting description of London, imagining that we were travelling around and talking about the things we could see. We labelled different photographs with adjectives that we could use in our writing.

Here are some of the fantastic descriptions we wrote!

We then looked at Scotland and created a factfile with all the information we had found out.

We thought about how to improve our work during a big editing lesson. We looked at a piece of work of looked for any mistakes and corrected them.

We then found out lots of information about Wales, again creating a fact file.

After looking at the Welsh dragon, we wrote a character description of one.

We then wrote a story about a dragon and a dragon slayer.

We then looked at Northern Ireland, again creating a fact file with the information we had found out.

We then travelled to France and found out lots of information which we included in a factfile.

We looked at the different landmarks in France and wrote a leaflet to advertise and persuade people to come and visit.

We decided to look at the artist Picasso, creating our portrait.

We then looked at the Mona Lisa. We even created our own modern day version with a twist!

We were then lucky enough to visit Middleton Park to do some outdoor art. We sat around the pond and used water colours to paint.

Our paintings looked amazing!

We then visited Italy, creating another fact file to show what we had learnt.

Whilst looking at Italy, we taste tested some traditional Italian food.

We were a bit unsure of some of the food!

Whilst in Italy, we realised that Pizza is a popular food. We decided to design our own Pizza.

We then wrote a set of instructions to let others know how to make our yummy Pizza.

We then thought about the positives and negatives of living in Italy or in England. We wrote an argument to say where we think would be better to live.

After designing, making and then tasting our Pizza, we wrote an evaluation about how successful we think it went.

We then moved on to look at Poland, creating a fact file of information.

During an edit lesson, we made this advert to visit Poland even better!

Whilst in Poland, we looked at the religion 'Judaism'. We firstly looked at the key places associated with the religion, finding these on maps.

We then looked at the Ten Commandments before writing our own.

We then investigated the Synagogue, looking at key parts.

We then looked at the Seder Plate and the important foods associated with Judaism. We then created our own Seder Plate of foods that are important to us and remind us of home.

We then imagined that we had to leave our homes and travel to a secret annex, just like Anne Frank. We wrote a diary entry of what it was like.

We then looked at writing in Hebrew, having a go ourselves!

We then looked at a Hamsa which are good luck symbols for Jews. We created our own.

We then decided to travel to Greece and again created a fact file full of information.

We then researched different Greek islands using the Ipad to find out lots of different information.

Whilst in Greece, we looked at some different traditional Greek instruments. We completed a Burn2Learn to see if we could answer some questions about the instruments.

After looking at a range of different Greek musical instruments, we decided to design our own.

We loved then making our Greek instruments!