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Westwood Primary School

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Phonics in nursery

Phonics in nursery

In nursery, we spend time, sharing stories, rhymes, playing listening games and talking with the children in planned talking times as well as when they are playing. 

These all support children to develop their listening skills which are really important when they begin more formal phonics sessions as they move into reception and Year 1.  

Phonics is all about to tuning into sounds they hear and eventually,  hearing,  saying  and recognising  the sounds they hear in words.   

We begin the phonics journey in nursery by showing picture sounds cards  with examples of words beginning with the same sound.   We also emphasise the initial sound and encourage children to say it too. 

We play "My turn.....   your turn......."   so  that the children hear the sound/word spoken and then have a go to say it too.     


Please share the pictures and say the words with your child regularly,  keep going over the ones already done so that they become really familiar with them.

Thank you.