Friday 8th Jan
Today, we are going to continue multiplying 2-digit numbers using a variety of methods. Hopefully, you will now be familiar with all the methods so we will mainly focus on grid method. Once we have finished the live lesson where we will go through the 'In Focus' and 'Let's Learn' together I will do an example on a whiteboard and upload this underneath. You will then complete your guided practice and workbook independently before moving onto the journaling question. You can either do this on paper or on an electronic device, whichever is easiest for you. Then, you can ask your parents to email me a picture of your work and I will give you some feedback.

Children's work- Jon-Paul Massey and Lucy Sutcliffe

Guided reading:
We are going to be focusing on our visualisation skills today when reading chapter 2 of the 'Iron Man'. This means that we are going to practice visualising different images in our head on the live lesson and then once this is done, you can visualise what you think the Iron Man would look like based on the text. Make sure you label your picture with reasons why you think he would look that way. Don't forget to ask your parents to send me pictures of your work for me to mark.
Children's work

Today we are going to be doing some handwriting and spelling practice. Please watch the video of me doing the handwriting and try your best ensure that you do cursive handwriting and your letters are the same size. Don't forget about your spike letters being tall (t is slightly shorter than the rest) and your downwards letters being long underneath the line. Then watch the video of the spelling lesson, you are to practice these spellings by writing a full line of these words and then writing them correctly in a sentence. This must be done on paper so that I can see that you are practicing your handwriting. Then, ask your parents to email me a picture of your work so that I can give you feedback.


Children's work- Caleb and Chloe
Adventure (D.T):
Today, you are going to design a skyscraper because the one next door to our pen pal school has been knocked down. This skyscraper must fit in with the New York skyline and then once you have drawn your design, you are going to copy this onto purple mash using computer aided design (CAD). I have attached a video of Mr Cooper explaining how to do this to help you. Hope you have fun with this lesson!
Video of Mr Cooper to help you with the purple mash lesson.