Tuesday 16th March
Maths -
In yesterdays lesson we looked at time. We learnt that the long hand stands for minutes and the short hand stands for the hour. If the long hand is on 12 then it must be o'clock and the short hand will tell us what o ' clock it is.
Today we are going to look at half past. You can tell when it is half past as the long hand is pointing down at the 6, it looks like it has gone half way around the clock. Then, whatever number the short hand is pointing at, that is what is half past.
Please complete sheet 1 and 2.
Writing -
In our writing today we are continuing with our work from yesterday. Yesterday we started our report on animals from Antarctica and we wrote about the polar bear. Today you can watch the video below and pick a new animal to write about. Don't forget to use a sub heading, saying what animal you will be writing about.
Things to include -
Sub heading
What the animal looks like
What the animal eats
What the animal likes to do (swim, catch fish etc)
Use the video below to help you find facts.
Spellings -
Art -
As we have been looking at plants in our Science topic this half term, I would love for you to try drawing your own flowers. Look at the pictures below to see which flower you would like to draw. I would like you to sketch your design first, then use colouring pencils to finish it. If you do not have pencils don't worry you can use collage or paint.