Welcome back! Well, we're nearly at the end! There are only 6 full weeks left of this half term before the children move up to Year 4 and 5! This academic year has flown by and I'm so proud and impressed with how every child in Mulberry Class has done - they have been amazing! We've got a great adventure coming up this half term, all about Yetis! It's also that time of year at Westwood where we are looking forward to some better weather and hopefully the end of some Covid restrictions for our sports day! Keep looking back on this page and we'll keep you updated!
Mr Cooper and Mrs Wilson
Look out for our new Curriculum Characters appearing on our adventure pages to show which subject we're doing! Click here to find out their names and more about them!
Summer 1 - Egyptian Explorers Mulberry Class Song
Summer 2 - The Abominables Mulberry Class Song