I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete the extra phonics lesson below - in class we usually do 2 lessons of phonics a day so it would be great if an extra could be done at home.
Fantastic Mr Fox - Chapter 2
I would like you to edit the sentences in the document below. MMake sure you ask yourself these questions when trying to improve the writing:
Has the sentence got capital letters in the correct places?
Does this sentence have a full stop at the end?
Have adjectives been used to describe and add detail?
Have a think about who/what/where/when/why to add extra detail to the sentence.
You do not need to do every sentence but select a range and copy them down with your improvements:
for example,
adam saw a spider -
Adam saw a huge, terrifying spider sat on the windowsill.
Adam saw a hairy spider climbing up the wall.
Adam saw creepy spider spinning a tiny web.
Make sure you are describing things other than size and colour.
Editing sentences
We will be continuing grouping and counting.
The workbook is asking you to count how many items there is and write the answer - to count each item individually would take a long time and we can make mistakes along the way. Therefore, I would like you to circle the groups of 10 and count how many groups there is (e.g. 3 groups 10 is 30) and then add the leftover ones (4 ones added to 30 = 34).