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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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History Now

Our children are living through History. Some of the events currently taking place in the world and in the children's childhood will be taught as part of History in years to come. King Charles III coronation, new sports at the Olympics 2024, parlimentary elections, to name but a few, are all events happening as our children are children, and will be taught as part of the History Curriculum in schools in the future.


At Westwood, we believe it is important to emphasise to the children the fact that History is all around them. The conversation they have just had on the playground at lunch, the assembly they have just been a part of or the school trip they have just been on is History as soon as it has happened. Through 'History Now', this allows our children the chance to think about the historical events they will talk to their children and grandchildren about in the future which they are living through now.