Autumn 2
Week 1:
This week we began learning about numbers. We have looked very closely at number one and how important it is. We have explored using objects to sort, share and count by one. We have also being understanding that when we add one more the quantity changes and we get a bigger amount.
We have used number blocks to help us see that one more than one is two and that number 2 always following number one in the sequence of counting! We are now exploring number two further by sorting, sharing, matching and counting out two.

Week 2:
This week we are taking a closer look at number three! As with the previous numbers we are exploring the quantity by using objects to sort, share and count out three. We have been used ten frames to see the visual representation and know that if no more objects are added but the current objects are moved to different spaces, the quantity still stays the same.
We are securing our knowledge of numbers 1, 2 and 3 now by comparing the numbers, matching the written numeral to the correct quantity, finding one more and one less than the given number and becoming familiar with their composition and being able to represent this ourselves.

Week 3:
This week we are learning about the shapes circles and triangles. We have learnt about their properties and used our vocabulary to relay this information during discussion in our play.
We will also be focussing on positional language and being able to understand and use the words on top, under, next to, behind, in front and between in context.

Week 4:
This week we are learning about number four! As with the previous numbers we are exploring the quantity by using objects to sort, share and count out four. We have been used ten frames to see the visual representation and know that if no more objects are added but the current objects are moved to different spaces, the quantity still stays the same. We are now having a greater focus on understanding how to work out what is one more (by adding one more) and one less (taking one away) than a given number between one and four.

Week 5:
This week we are learning about number five! As with the previous numbers we are exploring the quantity by using objects to sort, share and count out four. We have been used ten frames to see the visual representation and know that if no more objects are added but the current objects are moved to different spaces, the quantity still stays the same. Numeral recognition is now important as we begin to order the numerals from one to five.

Week 6:
This week we are learning about the shapes rectangles and squares. We have learnt about their properties and used our vocabulary to relay this information during discussion in our play.

Week 7:
This week we are consolidating our learning from the half term. We are securing our knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties as well as ordering and recognising numbers from 1 to 5 and being able to say one more and one less than a given number.