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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Westwood Wishes

1. Learn about money management and budgeting

2. Learn to play the guitar

Each Friday, Sycamore get guitar lessons from Mr Jennings

3. Go on a Fossil hunt

4. Contribute to the Westwood Parliament

At the beginning of the year, the class voted on their school council members.

5. Perform poetry to an audience 

6. Look after the local environment

7. Ride a rollercoaster

8. Prepare and cook a meal

9. Sleep away from home

Both Years 5 and 6 have had Residentials this year

10. Go underground

At Buckden House, the children had the opportunity to go caving

11. Visit a theatre

12. Engage in discussions about substance

13. Climb a mountain

14. Represent the school in a competition as a team or an individual

15. Take part in a debate

16. Perform a musical on stage


During their time in Sycamore class, the children should each have the opportunity to achieve all of these wishes!