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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Lower Key Stage 2

Computing – Lower KS2

Cycle A

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Y3&4: Graphing 3.8

Y3: Spreadsheets 3.3

Y4: A.I. 4.10

Y3: Coding 3.1

Y4: Coding 4.1

Email 3.5


Branching Databases 3.6

Touch Typing 3.4

Simulations 3.7

Micro:bits 3.10 & 4.11

Consolidation activities

Y3: Online Safety 3.2

Y4: Online Safety 4.2

3D modelling

Y3 Cdn learn how to enter & interpret data in a graph, learn bout cell references, more/less/= symbols, how to format cells, calculate averages & how to use a spreadsheet to model a simple real-life situation.

Y4 Cdn develop an understanding of the concept and uses of AI in real life now and in the future

Cdn extend previous coding skills. See table below

Cdn learn how to use Email safely, open and send attachments & explore a simulated Email scenario

Cdn use 3D modelling to design a skyscraper

Cdn learn how to create Branching Databases using Adventure related topics & how to transfer data into graph forms

Cdn learn Keyboard skills using Adventure linked texts +

meaning of age restrictions symbols on digital media & variety of websites


Cdn explore, analyse and  evaluate a simulation.

Cdn learn how to use Micro:bits for a variety coding tasks.

Cdn work on a variety of activities to consolidate & extend their learning.


Cycle B

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Y3: Spreadsheets 3.3

Y3: Graphing 3.8


Y4: A.I. 4.10

Y3: Coding 3.1

Y4: Coding 4.1

2Logo 4.5


Effective Searching 4.7



Writing for Different Purposes


Animation 4.6

Micro:bits 3.10 & 4.11

Consolidation activities

Y3: Online Safety 3.2

Y4: Online Safety 4.2

Y3 Cdn learn how to enter & interpret data in a graph, learn bout cell references, more/less/= symbols, how to format cells, calculate averages & how to use a spreadsheet to model a simple real-life situation.

Y4 Cdn develop an understanding of the concept and uses of AI in real life now and in the future.

Cdn extend previous coding skills. See table below

Cdn use 2Logo to direct a ‘Turtle’ around a map. Cdn learn how to program directions using Adventure themed mazes.

Cdn further

develop safe internet searching skills to research their Adventure + discuss how to use technology in a healthy way.


Cdn produce a newspaper report + plan an Adventure related campaign producing persuasive posters and letters.

Cdn learn how to create Stop Frame animation relevant to Adventure themes.

Cdn learn how to use Micro:bits for a variety coding tasks.

Cdn work on a variety of activities to consolidate & extend their learning.