Thursday 25th February
Thursday 25th February 2021
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
Grandpa Joe tells Charlie lots of information about the marvellous man who is Mr Willy Wonka in chapter 2. Today, I'd like you to use your visualisation skills to draw and label what you think Willy Wonka might look like based on Grandpa Joe's description.
Science - anytime
Today, we're going to start our new science topic for this half term which is plants. We're going to begin with the basics by learning the names of the different parts of a plant. Follow the PowerPoint below to learn about the names and functions of the different parts of a plant. Then, on an A4 sheet of paper you need to draw a plant which has all of the features you've learnt about. You could also print out the template below if you don't want to draw it. Then, for each part of the plant, label it and describe it's function! Use the key information you learn on the PowerPoint to create your leaflet/poster.
Handwriting and spelling - anytime
Click below for the spelling test. As ever, any issues please let us know! Good luck!
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
We're going to conclude our invitations today and bring them to an end. We've told the recipient all of the important details of where they need to go, when and what they need to bring and we've also given them a bit of a glimpse into some of the activities they will get up to inside the factory. But now, we need to wrap it all up.
At the end, I'd like you to ask them a rhetorical question - that's a question that does not require an answer. We'll talk through some examples in the live lesson and you can see those on the PowerPoint below to jog your memory.
Then, complete the short SPAG sheet below by correcting my questions and choosing the one you're going to use in your conclusion (you can make up your own!). Then, write the end of your invitation, and don't forget to sign it off as Willy Wonka
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Willy Wonka
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
Today we're going to remind ourselves what dividing is before we move onto dividing by 5 tomorrow. We'll talk about what division is and what it does in the live lesson and look at lots of different ways of representing it. The video below will also remind you of how it is done. Then, have a go at the 2 workbook activities below, they are only short so please have a go at both! And don't forget... times table quiz online - can you beat your time/score?