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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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At Westwood we equip the children will all the skills they need to be capable writers. Each year group has a spelling word list (Year 3 and 4 have one for cycle A and B), that is taught over the year, taken from the spelling patterns and list of common exception words (as listed in the curriculum). These are taught in weekly blocks and the spellings will be taught regularly throughout the week in short bursts. Children will have a weekly test on the spellings. A whole-school spelling incentive runs alongside the spelling tests.

Spelling Rewards at Westwood


At Westwood, we are incredibly proud of how hard the children work in their writing lessons. At the start of this year we introduced Westwood’s Word Wizard to help the children expand the vocabulary they use in their writing. The children have adopted this very well and so a new challenge is being introduced.


Spelling is a key component to be a successful writer. This year, children at Westwood take new spellings home every week. They will have the same amount of spellings to learn each week (different for each year group). A spelling test will take place in each class every week. If a child gets all of their spellings correct they put their name in the box. If a child improves on their score the week before they put their name in the box. At the end of the half term, in a writing assembly, a name will be chosen out of the box for each class and they choose a prize from the box.



The children will have opportunities to practise their spellings in class but it remains important that they are learning these spellings at home too.

Westwood Spelling Bees

Spelling bee - Willow V Sycamore

Spelling Bee - Rowan vs Oak