(Resources: lego bricks or mini eggs or smarties, paper, colouring pencils)
Can you have a go at counting using something from your house that is different colours. So, I used lego bricks as there are lots of different colours but you could use mini eggs, smarties, duplo bricks, different coloured toys, all sorts. Let me know what you use!
Ask your parent or adult to count out a range of different blocks and draw the colours on a piece of paper like mine. Then what you need to do is work your way through the colours and count the correct amount of bricks in that colour. So my first colour was blue and I found 3 blue blocks. Ask your adult to write the number for you or you could have a go too!
Good luck!


Iceberg hop
(Resources: paper, scissors)
For this activity, you will need your grown up to make you some iceberg for you to hop between. Find a space either inside or outside your house (be careful if you’re outside as the icebergs might blow away) and put the icebergs down with a space big enough to hop between them but not too close so it makes it a challenge!
Can you practise your gross motor skills by hopping to each iceberg? Then you could try jumping on two legs. Then running round as fast as you can. How many different ways can you move from iceberg to iceberg. You could even add a balance beam (this could be a long strip of paper) to practise your balancing. To challenge yourself even more you could add numbers onto the icebergs and your adult could call out a number for you to jump to. Or each time you step on a iceberg, you say that number.
Good luck and have fun.

Iceberg hop

Water painting
(Resources: paintbrushes, bucket, water)
This activity is really good for practising holding a paintbrush and it’s really fun. You also get to be outside to do it too which is always great!
What you need is to fill a bucket of water, you could add some glitter or food colouring to make the water more exciting. Then find a paintbrush and practise making circles on the ground or on your fence or on the side of your house. (Don’t worry, it will just wash off) can you make lots of different shapes, squares, triangles, zig zag lines? You could even have a go at writing your name!
Good luck and send us any work you do, we cannot wait to see!

Water painting