Thursday 7th January
Maths -
Today we are starting a new chapter, we are going to be looking at numbers up to 20. Start the lesson off by seeing if you can count to 20, or just see how high you can count too. Have a go at completing the sheets below, I have attached a number line to help you with your numbers. Sheet 1 and 2 are what I expect all of you to do. If you are acing through them both, you can do the two sheets underneath them. You need to group them into ten first, then count on the extras.
Writing -
Today we are going to be writing a missing poster for a treasure chest! The treasure chest has 5 locks/passwords/challenges on it that we need to crack to open it. We need to ask the locals on the island if they have seen it anywhere!
Things to include -
What do we want to find? - treasure chest
What does it look like? - describe
What might be in it / why do we want it? - treasure, to become rich, to get off the island, to find out what's inside.
Who they need to contact if they find it. - Blossom class (can give a number or name)
I have written one myself to give you an idea of what a good one looks like.
Have you seen this chest? We want to find it because it has lots of amazing treasure in it. It is small and brown. It has locks on it and different challenges in order to open it up. We want to find it because it might help us get off the island. If you see it please can you contact Blossom class on 94976738948585.
Reading -
Here is a story for you to listen to, enjoy!
Be Kind

Spellings -
Have a go at completing these spellings for the rest of the week.
Science -
In Science this half term we are going to be looking at the human body. I would like you to sign along with the video below of 'head, shoulders, knees and toes." Now have a think, what body parts do you know? Do you know where your ear is? What about your elbow? Now, can you lie down and have someone either draw around you on paper or they can outline your body using toys. You can also draw a small character like I did. Then, I want you to label all of the different parts of your body.