I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete daily spellings, handwriting and any extra phonics games from the phonics game tab on cherry remote learning page.
This week's spellings:
Please practice spellings at home for a short time each day.
Phonics Practice

Today we will be writing a diary entry about the cryptic caves and finding the missing treasure chest. We put the dog to sleep with our magical sleeping potion and crept past. Inside the cryptic cave was a bright glow so we decided to investigate. As we tiptoed closer, we saw the golden treasure chest! We sprinted towards it and threw the lid open, inside was rich jewels and expensive pearls.
This is an extended piece of writing as there is lots to write about:
Why we are in the caves - quick recap of our quest.
The three-headed dog infront of the cave - how did you feel? What did it look like?
Making the potion and why - what did we do yesterday?
Inside the caves - what can you see/hear/smell/touch?
Finding the treasure chest - what did you find inside it?
It is important the children are applying all the skills we have been developing this term - capital letters, full stops, adjectives, 'and', exclamation marks and handwriting. Your writing must be neat with letters formed correctly and finger spaces. I will have high expectations in regard to handwriting for this piece so make sure you take your time.

I would like the children to continue their learning of halves (1/2) and quarters (1/4). This means that the work today will not be from the Maths No Problem workbook, but from the worksheets I have put below.
It is important the children recognise half an amount, not only in terms of shape but items. E.g. If you have a bag of 8 sweets you would get 4 each. You may do this style of 'word problem role play' at home to help your child understand the concept.
Quarters is when we split something into 4, 1 quarter would be one part of the 4 parts. Showing this using visuals would really help the children understand this concept.

How to help at home
There are lots of everyday ways you can help your child to understand fractions. Here are just a few ideas.
1. Fractions and food
Food always provides a fun (and tasty) opportunity to explore fractions!
When cutting a sandwich, show your child how you can cut a whole sandwich into two equal parts, and explain that we call each part a half. Point out that we could put the two halves together again to make the whole. Try halving in different ways, such as cutting a whole sandwich into two equal rectangles or triangles.
Why not show your child that we can find the quarters of a sandwich by first cutting it in half and then cutting those pieces in half again? Ask your child to find one of the equal parts and explain that this is one quarter. Try finding quarters in different ways, such as cutting a whole sandwich into four equal rectangles or triangles.
2. Use toys
Learn about fractions using some of your child’s favourite toys – little figures, blocks, teddies, cars, you name it.
Gather together a collection of toys. Show your child how to halve quantities by asking them to split their collection of toys into two equal groups. So, if they have ten cars, they can split them into two groups of five.
You could also show them how to find one quarter of quantities by splitting their toys into four equal groups.
3. Drawing shapes
Grab some paper and colouring pencils. Draw a circle, square, rectangle, and equal-sided triangle and ask them to find and colour in one half. Next, draw another shape and ask your child to colour in one quarter.
4. Fractions all around us
Point out the fractions all around you – such as when you are in the shops (for example, price offers) or in recipes ( tablespoon) and so on. Talk about what the different numbers mean.
I would like the children to create their own pirate portrait! What would you wear as a pirate? - an eyepatch, hat, bandana? Make sure you use lots of vibrant colours, be as creative as you like!