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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Part 1

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Part 2

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Today we are going to recap adding equal groups (multiplication). This is the perfect opportunity to help the children understand times tables, which is the repeated addition of an equal number (equal amout) e.g. 2 groups of 5 apples = 10 (2x5=10). 


This week, we have been looking at the red crayon and his holiday around Europe. Yesterday we were describing the different destinations that red crayon had been (London, Amalfi Coast, Iceland, Germany), today we are going to write a recount of his holiday from his perspective (using 'I') and include our descriptions and learning from yesterday. 


In a recount, we need to include time adverbials (first, next, then, finally etc). Begin by deciding the order that you (red crayon) went in then add exciting details from your imagination:

For example, First I went to Germany to see the Brandenburg gate. It was beautiful and the sun was glowing through the pillars. It was sparkling in my eyes... 


Next I went to see Big Ben in London. The city was so noisy and busy. The clock was huge and I took a picture with my camera. There was bright red busses and black taxis zooming past me. I had an amazing day and loved seeing London.


The above example shows my expectations - I would the children to identify the city and landmark they are visiting, describe the area and anything they do using adjectives, and use 'and' to extend their sentences. I have put the same pictures as yesterday below to help spark ideas, but it may help for the children to see footage or sound from the location (have a look on youtube).


Possible points:


How do you feel?

What did you do there? Did you enjoy it? 

What can you see?

What can you hear?





Today I would like you to explore what plants need in order to grow. It would be amazing if you could buy some seeds and have a go at growing a flower yourself at home using what we learn today. You could care for and nurture this flower, making sure it has everything it needs.


A flower needs things in order to grow, just like humans! They need light from the sun, water to stay hydrated like us, and soil for food and to grow from. Have a look at the video below (follow the link) and see what you can learn.