Adventure Five - Finding Finn
It's a new half term and time for a new adventure. This time we are travelling deep into the ocean and becoming fish! We start our new term going on a fish school trip to the edge of the reef, when we get there we play hide and seek with our friends when all of a sudden... our friend Finn goes missing! We need to go find him, I wonder what challenges we will face along the way.
We imagined going to the reef and went in to the hall to act it out. We went under the coral, climbed over rocks, swam with sea snakes and had the fish tails tickle us!

In Art this half term we are looking at printing. We started off by thinking about what printing is and then used bubble wrap to create a sea background. We then added sea weed and a fish to complete the picture!

We looked at different ways in which we can care for the environment. We then went litter picking all across school and picked up lots of rubbish!
We went for a trip to the park to try and find bugs! We identified them and then made bug hotels.

Look at our amazing jellyfish we made!
We researched different animals using books and fact files for our science topic.