Class Songs
Summer 1
One of our books for this half term is 'Ten in a bed' We will be singing the song too. Here is one of the versions we will be learning.
We often sing songs which involve numbers and counting , a good way to help our children associate number and quantity.
Spring 2
We will be looking at Spring this term and how things grow. We will be looking at the different creatures we find outside so our song of the half term is Wiggly Woo, there's a worm at the bottom of the garden.
Spring 1
This half term is all about the season Winter and how we keep warm and the change in weather. The class song this half term will be 5 little snowman to encourage the children to count too.
Autumn 2
We are learning some songs to sing for our Parents and Carers when we invite them into nursery for our Christmas Sing-a-long.
One of the songs we are learning is called Little Snowflake.
Autumn 1
This half term we will be singing two songs about our bodies, 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes' and 'I've got a body, a very busy body'.