After listening to the story Meg and Mog, we talked about witches. We looked at pictures of witches and used shapes to make our own. We used words to name and talk about the different shapes. What a fabulous lot of witches we have!
We used a paint program on Purple Mash and loved creating halloween pictures. We chose different colours and created pumpkins, bats and spiders.
Halloween exploration tray
We made potions for Meg because she turned herself in a mouse and she couldn't turn herself back! We used bats blood, bones, spiders, mice and lots of different ingredients. We then had to draw what we had put into our potions. We are still waiting to find out if it worked...
Week 6
Owl Babies
Owl Babies Picture Book Animation
We are loving the story ‘Owl babies’ and are using the story props to tell the story and act out our favourite
We had fun playing with and sorting the owls into groups. As we did this we used lots of number names, counted using numbers in order, 1,2,3,4,5 etc and looked at small groups of owls saying how many were there. we talked about who had the most, “there’s more there” and had a go at getting more and more owls.
We made pom pom owl paintings using pegs and cotton wool. We loved making patterns with the paint then sticking the eyes on. They look brilliant.
We made owl babies using paper and google eyes. We also used tissue paper for the feathers and loved what they looked like when they were finished. Very cute little owl babies. Well done Nursery.
We had a go at cutting out feathers for the baby owls. We used scissors and cut around the different feathers in front of us. We also snipped at the edges to make them look more real. We practised our fine motor skills and did a great job.
Week 5
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
We have been singing the song Head, shoulders, knees and toes, and can name lots of the parts of our bodies.
Outside, we laid on the ground and used chalks to draw around each other. We tried to lay still so that somebody could draw all the way around our bodies, we drew around the head, arms, hand, bodies, legs and feet. Then we jumped up to see our body shapes.
We have been talking about size this week and we compared the sizes of different people. We used size words such as big, small, tall, bigger, smallest, shortest etc. The children had a go at talking about two or three people and then arranging a number of people in size order. Lots of lovely size language was being used.
We made our faces using paint and wool for our hair. We then stuck on googly eyes and made a nose and a mouth. They look fab. We listened carefully and followed the instructions brilliantly.
We have been drawing pictures of our families and talking about who we live with. It has been lots of fun and we have practised holding our pencils correctly. We have said if we have a pet or not and used lots of different language to describe what our families look like.
We found a HUGE spider outside. Charlie found it and was so excited to show everyone. It had a huge body and eight legs. Mrs Caradice picked it up using a magnifying glass and we watched it spin a web. It was very exciting!
We had a look at our teeth and how to look after them. We then had a go at cleaning away all of the germs! We had to clean the teeth with a toothbrush and get all of the germs off. We then had fun drawing them back on for the next group to have a go. It was so much fun!
We played body part lotto where we had to take it in turns to pick a card and see if it was on our board too. We were able to identify the correct body parts and were great at taking it in turns. Well done Nursery.
Week 4
This week in Nursery we are learning all about Elmer the Elephant who looks different to all the other Elephants. He sometimes feels sad because he is different but we all know that he is special and his colour makes him unique. What is something special about you? Can you have a think.
Have a look at this video and read it to your children at home. The more they hear it, the better!
On the smart board, we decorated elephants using different shapes and colours so that they didn't look like an ordinary grey elephant.
We used cubes to print with, look at the lovely colourful square shapes on our elephants!
Enjoying looking at the Elmer book.
We made Elmer models out of milk bottles. We spread glue on and covered them with coloured paper squares to make the patchwork pattern.
As we are called the acorn class, we have been making acorns to go on a display. We have used an acorn template then screwed up pieces of green and brown tissue paper then stuck them onto the paper. We have then smiled for the camera and had our photos stuck on top. They look brilliant.
Mark making
The children all have a name card with a picture on to help them to recognise it.
The pictures are the same as the ones on their coat pegs and self registration tickets.
We encourage children to have a go and 'write their name' on paintings, drawings, models etc that they make at nursery. This week we have showed the children where to find their name cards and encouraged them to have a go to make marks to represent their name. Everyone had a good go, we are really pleased with all of our children.
Week 3
The children are learning our class routines and doing a great job! We have had lots of children sitting well at carpet times and listening to adults and as well as each other.
We have had some children being fabulous at tidy up time, finding things, picking them up and putting them away where they belong.
We are loving welcoming the children into our nursery class and getting to know them all. The children are doing really well, leaving parents and carers and coming into the classroom on their own. They are becoming familiar with our routines and are showing us how fabulous they are at sitting and listening for short amounts of time when we gather together for songs, rhymes and stories at certain times in the day. It's been a really positive start to the year and we look forward spending lots of time getting to know them even better!
Weeks 1 and 2
Most of our children will have started nursery by the end of week 2. We have had lots of fun getting to know each other. Here are some photographs of our children getting to know each other and their new classroom and outdoor area.