
This week, the British Values award goes to Noah

Herd Farm Residential

In June, some of the Year 6s got the chance to spend a few nights at Herd Farm Activity Centre.
CLICK HERE to see some of the pictures from the residential.
Anti Bullying Assembly - 28.9.2020 At Westwood, we pledge to put an end to bullying!

Visit to Danelaw Village 30.9.20

Trip to Danelaw Village

CLICK HERE to see the many photos and videos from our amazing trip to Danelaw where we lived as Anglo-Saxons for a day.
Information about Sycamore Class
P.E. will be on a Monday. You will need a white t.shirt, black jogging bottoms and a pair of pumps or trainers. If the lesson is outside you can bring a black P.E. jacket to keep you warm.
Times tables
On Thursday you will have a times table test. We have a mountain for you to climb and a slalom to complete!
For more information about the timestables, please go to Key information>curriculum>timestables
Each week you will have a spelling test. The first week, you will be given your spellings to learn and the next week you are tested on them. The following week you are tested on the same spellings and try to beat your score!
Every week, on Friday, you will be given a book to read at home along with a yellow reading record. Parents sign the yellow reading record weekly and both books are returned the next Tuesday.
On Friday you will be set some homework from your SAT's books, which you will be given, and a piece of homework related to our adventure- which can be done in your red homework book. This is handed in on the following Tuesday.