Summer 1
On Monday morning the class received a package from the Farmer at Canon Hall Farm. He had sent us a letter asking for help. He told us that it’s been a very busy spring on the farm and all the adult animals have had babies. The farmer then wanted us to match the baby animals to their Mummy. He then wrote that we were invited to come and visit the farm to see all the baby animals there. How exciting?!
Next we had a look at a map of Cannon Hall Farm to see what types of animals would be there. We used our map skills to pick out key symbols and locations. We then wrote about which animals we were most excited to see!

We have really enjoyed learning about farms and animals so we have followed our interests into music. We have been learning how to clap along and tap to the beat of Old McDonald.
The children had a brilliant day visiting Cannon Hall Farm. They got to meet a farmer, see lots of animals and even feed a few!
We came back to school today wishing we could go back to the farm. However, to our surprise, Farmer Dale had sent us a voice note asking us for some help at the farm. He was having trouble keeping the crows off of his crops and didn't know what to do. We had a little think and we thought the perfect solution would be for him to make a scarecrow! We looked at some scarecrow pictures and thought about the key items he would need. We then had a go at drawing and writing about it to let him know.
We then decided to help even further and make the scarecrows ourselves. Do you think they'll help to scare the crows away?

The farmer thought this was an amazing idea and will work a treat! Today we found our scarecrows had moved closer together and a love heart was in between them. Some of the children recognised the heart as a symbol of love.
"This must mean that they love each other"
The story we read yesterday was about two scarecrows that loved each other and how they had a wedding and got married. What a wonderful idea for us to do!

The children are thrilled that we are going to be putting on a Wedding and cannot wait! We don't want our grown up to miss it and so we set to work on writing some invitations.

Today a lost Bride wandered into school looking for the church. She was struggling to think of what she might need to get married other than the church and her Wedding Dress. We had a think about some other important things that we may need and decided to write her a list!

Today we have been learning about the King's coronation and what the word coronation means. A few of us could relate this to Frozen as in the film we get to see Else celebrate her coronation day as she becomes Queen Elsa. We enjoyed the festivities, especially the picnic. Thank you grown ups!
A delivery from Wonderful Weddings Bakery arrived! Inside there was a selection of different flavoured cakes. A video message from the baker explained that the wonderful wedding bakery is packed out with orders however they knew that the children are fantastic bakers and have sent the recipe for their ‘best seller cake’. We taste tested the cakes and decided which ones the children wanted to make.

We receive another message from the baker. The children have chosen well and the baker has sent us his secret ingredients. We now need to make the wedding cake for our guests! He reminds us that wedding cakes have tiers and are usually decorated with different patterns.
First we made a list of the other ingredients that we will need.

Now it is time to get baking!
The baking was so much fun, we even got to taste some of our work, we were great bakers even if we say so ourselves...
It is time now for us to sort out the finishing touches ready for our big Wedding on Thursday!
We looked at the items we needed to make and say each item in a sentence. We then used these ideas to inform our writing.

Now we needed to ice and decorate our cake!

The day has arrived for Our Wonderful Westwood Wedding!
Congratulations to our beautiful Bride and Groom!