Monday 1st March
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
This week, we're going to continue with our visualisation skill from The Big 10. Today, we're going to think about Wonka's sweets again - but today what do you think they taste like? On the sheet below, I have attached some adjectives which describe how foods can taste. I want you to imagine that Wonka has sent you a sample box of all of the sweets Grandpa Joe mentioned in the paragraph below. What does each one taste like? Close your eyes and imagine the taste going across your tongue and describe it on the sheet using some of the adjectives to help you. Can you also write a sentence to describe the taste of each sweet? Maybe you could use a simile to say it tastes 'like' or 'as'?
Adventure - anytime
Today, we're going to start the most exciting part of this whole adventure (I think anyway). We're going to learn about where chocolate comes from and how it is made. Below, there is a PowerPoint for you to go through which tells you about the process of chocolate making. It is really important you complete this activity today as our writing this week is all about how chocolate is made so you need to know the process inside out. Once you've gone through the PowerPoint, there is a flow chart diagram for you to create. We need you to pick out the 8 main steps of chocolate making and put them into the flow chart in the order they happen. You also need to write a sentence to explain that step. You could also watch this video below which explains how candy canes are made.
Spelling and handwriting - anytime
Click here to go to today's spelling lesson.
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Today, we're going to begin to think about this week's genre. This week, we are going to write a non-chronological report about chocolate. Where does it come from? How is it made? What different types of chocolate are there? Who are some of the famous chocolate-makers? That is the structure our report is going to take and the questions we are going to answer. In the live lesson, we'll go through the features of a non-chronological report and look at a few examples together. Then, look at the checklist below and read through the 3 examples. Do they include all of these things? If they do, give it a tick, if they don't you need to add an appropriate one in - not all of them have everything in so you need to read it really carefully!
It is integral that you do the Adventure lessons this week - that is where the information for your report is going to come from. If you don't do the Adventure activities, you won't know what is going on!
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
In maths today, my group are continuing to think about the 5 times tables. In the live lesson, we'll go through a few example problem solving questions together. Then, on the sheet below, there are a few gap fill activities for you to have a go at and then some problems. Remember to explain your answers and we don't always need use words to explain in maths - it can be numbers!