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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Friday 5th March

Maths - 


Todays lesson is going to be on our times tables. We have been practising our 5's, 10's and 2's. Listen to the videos below to remind you of them. Then, I would like you to have a go at completing the sheet below. 

Count Together by 10's | Counting Workout for Kids | Jack Hartmann Counting by 10s

Count by 10's and exercise with Jack Hartmann. Build your body and brain with this count by 10's video. Count by 10's to 100 and build your brain and body. ...

Count by Fives Song / 5 Times Table Song

A song teaching kids how to skip-count by fivesSubscribe! ➜ the Hopscotch Shop! ➜ https://ww...

The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Go up into space as you count up by twos with a dog and a song on a crazy rocket cruise! The Counting by Twos song teaches skip counting by 2. If you are lea...

Writing - 


We have our spelling and handwriting lesson today. Below are the spellings we will be going through in the lesson. Please make sure you have a pencil and paper. 













Adventure - 


Today is the last day of online learning! Next time I teach you it will be face to face on Monday and I am so excited to be able to see you all again and continue our fantastic adventure. 


For todays lesson, I would like you to have a think about what you are most looking forward to about coming back to school. Is it that you can see your friends again, will it be playing in the playground at lunch, or will it be to learn face to face again? I would like you to draw a picture of it and then write a little sentence about it underneath. I can then have a look at your work and see if there is anything in particular I can make sure we do in the first week to make you excited to be back!