Religious Education
Religious Education at Westwood Primary
At Westwood it is our belief that Religious Education is important because it supports our children to develop tolerance and an understanding of the views and beliefs of others. Our RE curriculum helps children to gain a greater understanding of the identity and diversity of their community. We want our children to grow up so that they live and work as active, purposeful citizens of Leeds alongside people of all beliefs and cultures.
Wherever possible we aim to enrich the children’s learning. This may be through visitors to school, virtual visits or online live presentations from religious leaders or respected people within the community. Trips to places of worship are organised to put their learning into context. Lessons are planned to be fun, creative and hands on, for example by using art, music, drama, or poetry to explore spiritual ideas and questions.
The Impact of Religious Education at Westwood Primary School:
At Westwood, the teaching of R.E. follows the 'Believing and Belonging' Agreed Syllabus for West Yorkshire 2024-2029.
Agreed Syllabus for Leeds and West Yorkshire
In KS1, learning is focused around Christianity and Islam, alongside non-religious perspectives. The curriculum at KS1 may include aspects of other faiths and world views within themes studied and may reflect the beliefs in the local community and beyond.
In KS2, learning is focused around developing pupils’ understanding of Christianity, Islam and nonreligious perspectives, extending to Judaism and Sikhism. The curriculum may include aspects of other faiths and world views.