Tuesday 9th February
Maths -
Todays lesson will be continuing looking at our numbers to 40 and understanding our tens and ones. We will also be comparing our numbers to see which is biggest and which is the smallest. Remember to use your ten times tables to help you find out the answers.
Please complete page 1 and 2 from the worksheet. If you want to challenge yourself, you can complete page 3 too.
Writing -
Now we have made the potion, it is time to to try and sneak up on the beast! But wait, Peach is running late to meet us and so we have to describe the beast to her so she knows who we need to give the potion too. That means we are going to be writing a description. Remember, in a description we have to use adjectives (describing words).
I have made a list of some adjectives that you could use in your work -
Your objective today is to use adjectives, so I would like to see as many as I can in your work. Remember, although using colour adjectives is good, I want to steer away from using colour and focus more on the way the beast looks / feels.
Handwriting -
Please have a go at practising these letters. I want there to be a clear difference between the tall letters and the small letters.
H a s

Today it is internet safety day. There is a powerpoint below to go on if you didn't see it in the live session. Mrs Oates has set all of KS1 a very special task to complete on purple mash. What she would like you to do is to complete an internet safety quiz first, she can then go on line and check out your results. Once you have done that there is a little competition. Again on purple mash, there is a 2Do in which you have to design an online safety poster. Have fun!