Welcome. My name is Hayley Mennell and I am the Headteacher at Westwood Primary. I am proud to lead a caring, inspiring and highly performing school. Westwood is committed to meeting the individual needs of every child and strive to ensure that every child reaches his or her potential.
If your child attends Westwood, you can be sure that your child will receive an excellent education from dedicated and inspirational teachers with the support of highly skilled and experienced teaching assistants. Our curriculum is creative and practical whilst keeping the basic skills of Maths and English at the heart of all learning.
We take a rigorous approach to teaching. The teachers base their teaching on the national curriculum for your child’s year group taking into account the individual needs of the children and strive to ensure that every child makes excellent progress. We have high quality reading schemes both for in school and for reading at home. We have a clearly planned maths calculations policy that children follow as they move through the school. We ensure that children learn basic skills such as spelling and times tables through well planned, systematic programmes.
If your child has any kind of special educational need or disability, you can be assured that we have an exceptional offer of support at our schools. We are truly inclusive and will create a personalised plan for your child to ensure they have every opportunity to access a broad and relevant curriculum and make excellent progress to reach their potential.
All of our subjects are taught in creative and inspiring ways. You child can expect to explore, investigate, analyse, discuss and problem solve in all subjects. Subjects such as science, art, design, PE, ICT, history and geography are always fun and practical with first hand experiences to develop inquisitiveness alongside the development of specific subject knowledge.
I would be delighted to welcome you to our fantastic school. You can be sure that your children will enjoy a wonderful learning experience as they take their journey through one of our primary schools.
With very best wishes,
Hayley Mennell