Wednesday 13th January 2021
Wednesday 13th January
Guided Reading (10.30am)
We're going to complete some comprehension style questions today which you might find in a reading test. Remember we had different types of questions when we are doing comprehension - some the answers are there right in front of you (retrieval if you remember from Monday) and some you need to use your inference skills and the clues in the text to help you answer the questions.
Adventure (anytime)
Today, I'd like you to go and create your picture you designed yesterday! You could do it in your garden, you could go on a walk to the park, or you could go and collect things and bring them home and do it on paper. We would have been going on a trip to the park if we were in school so if you can get outside, that would be brilliant!
I've attached some pictures below to give you some examples - if possible you need to try and do this outside because we would have been going to the park to do it in school - our topic for art this half term is outdoor art so please try and do it outside, whether it is in your garden or in the park.
Writing (1pm)
Today, we're going to start thinking about beginning to write your leaflets to persuade people to visit Yellowstone. By now, you should have lots of information about the National Park and we've had a look at some examples of leaflets to give you some ideas too. In this live lesson, I'll share with you the success criteria and checklist of what we want to see in your leaflets. Then, we'll spend some time thinking about the different ways we can make sentences more interesting - focussing today on coordinating conjunctions. There is a short activity below to help you with that and then I'd like you to start writing your leaflet and I'd like you to do the wildlife and the history of the park sections.
In school, the SPAG element of a writing lesson is completed first and this feeds into the writing. I am only getting SPAG activities back from parents so I don't know if children are actually doing the writing. In school, we only spend 10 minutes maximum on the SPAG activity and then we begin writing - the task isn't just to do the SPAG activity, they also need to begin their writing and I need to see that too.
Maths (9.15am)
We'll be continuing to think about addition and today we're going to move on to look at the number bond method and column method of addition.
Mr Cooper’s Maths - Number Bond method

Mr Cooper’s Maths - Column method