Wednesday 6th January
In maths we are looking at positions. If you didn't watch the live stream then you can rewatch it on the channel section of the app. If you can not access this then here is a quick outline of the lesson.
To begin with, get some toys and line them up. Ask your child if they can name the position of them, do they know who is coming 1st, 2nd etc. Ask your child where the duck is for example, then ask who it is inbetween. Ask another question about another toy, asking who is infront of it, behind etc.
Complete the worksheets below, you can either print them off and write the answers on, or you can use paper and pen to write the date at the top and the answers underneath.
As said with the maths work, if you missed the live stream then try and rewatch it on the channel section. If not, here is what you need to do.
Today we have crash landed on to an island! It looks like the most amazing place, I wonder what we will find here! Our job is to write a description about everything we can see. We need to remember to use adjectives, capital letters and full stops. To make our work even better could you use and in your work? Below is a picture of the island for you to describe. You will know how many sentences you normally write in class, please continue to write this much at home. It will either be 5 lines, 4 or 2. You can write a sentence for each place.
In Geography we have been looking at directions. See if you can remember what they are all called, that's right! North, South, East and West. For today's lesson you will need to look at the map below and work out the position of everyone on the ship. Is the parrot north? Or maybe east? Once you have worked it out, have a go at making your own picture and labelling where north, south, east and west are and test who you live with to see if they can say in what position they are in.
Reading -
Below is a story for your child to listen to at the end of the day.