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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Welcome to Rowan's class page!


Welcome back - we hope you have had a wonderful Easter and are ready to embark on another fun-filled adventure!


We have got lots of things to look forward to this year: our new and exciting adventures, fantastic trips, our residential to Herd Farm and of course our end of year production!

Our fifth adventure takes us to Pompeii in Italy...

We will take on the challenge from Lord Alan Sugar to help him with his new tourism company in Pompeii, where each week we will be given a new task to complete.

Who will be hired?!

Meet the Team



Our star of the week is Chloe Mead, well done!

Charlie Ellis received the Tolerance card - well done :)

Rowan Class Key Information

P.E.: Rowan will have P.E. on a Monday, however this may change on a weekly basis. Please make sure an indoor/outdoor P.E. kit stays in school all week.


Spellings: Spellings will be given out on a Friday every 2 weeks. Children will be sent home with spellings to learn. They will have their first test the Thursday after they go home. Then a week after that they will have a second test. In this test they will try to beat their first score.


Homework: In Rowan, homework will be given out every Friday for it to be returned the following Thursday. Children will be given two pieces of homework in their red homework books. They will receive a piece of Maths each week, and another piece - which will generally be related to our Adventure. 


Times Tables: Children will have a times tables test every Thursday. They will then find out which times table they will need to practice for the following week. To read more about the times tables test go to Key Information > Curriculum > Times Tables.


Reading: This year we will continue to have an individual reading lesson with either Miss Shaw or Miss Whitehead. Reading books need to be read and back in school on a Thursday, along with the reading record signed. You can also include other books read at home in reading records! Children will also have the chance to choose a new Library book every Monday. These don’t need to be read and returned the next week, just as and when the children finish reading them at home. We have a variety of authors and types of stories for the children to choose from in our Library however if you have any suggestions of authors/books your child enjoys then we would be keen to know!