Good Work Awards
Autumn 1
Week 1 (Friday 10th September) - Alfie for RSHE - for offering really mature ideas when discussing democracy vs dictatorship as part of our Adventure.
Week 2 (Friday 17th September - Roald Dahl Themed) - Momodou, Jack and Mason - for coming up with a fantastic script and performance for Fantastic Mr Fox with Mr Hayes and performing it in front of the whole school!
Week 3 (Friday 24th September) - Oliver for RE - for coming up with some excellent questions whilst on the trip to the Synagogue - some of which the tour guide couldn't even answer! Well done Oliver.
Week 4 (Friday 1st October) - Mia for Art - for an excellent picture of the Mona Lisa which she really took her time on and thought very carefully about. Well done Mia.
Week 5 (Friday 8th October) - Mia for Maths - for being really resilient when learning about rounding this week and keeping going even though she found it quite difficult. Well done Mia!
Week 6 (Friday 15th October) - Millie B for Science - for some fantastic scientific questions and reasoning in our science investigation this week. Well done Millie!
Week 7 (Friday 22nd October) - Emily and Imogen for Art Gallery - for fantastic portraits of the Mona Lisa. Well done girls!
Autumn 2
Week 1 (Thursday 4th November) - Momodou for writing - For a fantastic setting description using lots of great features such as personification and similes. Well done Momodou!
Week 2 (Friday 12th November) - Elise-May for maths - For fantastic effort and hard work in Chapter 2 this half term looking at addition and subtraction. Well done Elsie-May!
Week 3 (Friday 19th November) - Lillie C for maths - for brilliant hard work on her times tables this week. In the first test of each day, she scored 1/2 and then at the end of the lesson in the test, she scored full marks! Well done Lillie.
Week 4 (Friday 26th November) - Erin for music - Erin has been brilliant when learning about the orchestra, instruments, tempo and pitch this week and shown a real good understanding of the different instruments. Well done Erin!
Week 5 (Friday 3rd December) - Charlotte for Reading - Charlotte has been fantastic in reading these past few weeks and is really enjoying Comprehension Express. She’s making use of the expert tips and understanding what she reads. Well done Charlotte!
Week 6 (Friday 10th December) - Tilly for Maths - Tilly has been brilliant in maths this week when thinking about dividing by different quantities. She's been really speedy and independent! Well done Tilly!
Week 7 (
Spring 1
Week 1 () - No Good Work this week due to Robinwood
Week 2 (Friday 14th January) - Riley S for Science - For some fantastic research using secondary sources in science this week and producing a beautifully set out piece of work!
Week 3 (Friday 23rd January) - Callum for Writing - Callum has worked really hard with his handwriting and spelling this week and has produced some beautiful work in his handwriting book. Well done Callum!
Week 4 (Friday 28th January) - Ronnie for Music - Ronnie missed most of this week's music lesson whilst out at tutoring but he came straight back in and wrote a brilliant hip-hop rap based on our Billionaire Boy Adventure. Well done Ronnie!
Week 5 (Friday 4th January) - No Good Work this week due to Maths Magician
Week 6 (Friday 11th February) - Charlotte for RSHE - Charlotte created a lovely support hot air balloon this week thinking about people who have helped her grow as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. Well done Ronnie!
Week 7 (
Spring 2
Week 1 - Joel Miller for his very impressive invention during World Book day.
Week 2 - Momodou Drammeh for his fantastic visualising in guided reading sessions.
Week 3 - Jack Kavanagh for his fantastic understanding of the part evaporation and condensation play in the water cycle.
Week 4 - Imogen Cardiss for her fantastic mosaic pattern.
Week 5 - Art Gallery - Callum Leadbitter and Lillie Conlon
Summer 1
Week 1: Erin Frosdick for her fantastic perserverance with her times tables this week.
Summer 2
Week 1 (10th June) - Riley for Art - Riley came up with a really mature and sensible answer to a challenging question in our art learning this week about Monet's calm paintings when the world around him was so chaotic during war. Well done Riley.
Week 2 (17th June) - Charlie for Reading - Charlie has shown some great, insightful inference ideas this week when thinking about characters in Buried Alive. Well done Charlie!
Week 3 (24th June)
Week 4 (1st July) - No Good Work this week
Week 5 (8th July) - Izak and Elise-May for Science - I was so impressed with Izak and Elsie-May's research about endangered animals. They created a wonderful poster and then gave a very inspiring presentations to go alongside their poster. Well done!
Week 6 (15th July) - Callum for Music - Callum has made great progress with his ukulele this year. He has become so much more confident and performs for the whole class. Well done Callum!
Week 7 (22nd July) - Art Gallery -
Star Writer -