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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Autumn 1

What a week!

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We found a bubble bee. It was very weak so we put it on the flowers to drink the nectar. After a few minutes it was strong enough to fly away.

Ruby's worry!

This week we have achieved a huge milestone in our lives! Our first day at school is a huge step for children.We have talked about our feelings and how we can make ourselves feel better when we are worried. We thought about when we have felt worried in the past and how it feel when we talk about a worry. We decided sharing a worry with someone is the best way to feel better.

Ruby's Worry By Tom Percival

Ruby's Worry is both written and illustrated by Tom Percival. This warm Picture Book is a great story for your child's emotional needs. All children have wor...

Week 2 - Going Gold for Children's Cancer


We came to school dressed in gold and donated £1 to charity.


We created our own 'going gold's pictures which were of fun!

Going on a bear hunt sensory trays

Our First Reading Book!

This week we are looking at where we live and the features of our houses. We will be labelling windows, doors and roofs and hearing the initial sound in each work. We will also be looking at the shapes on our houses and using 2D flat shapes to create our own houses. 

We have been busy making new friends, taking turns and familiarising ourselves with the daily routines

Today we designed our winter/christmas cards to send off to the factory to be made into lots of cards.

 In a few weeks our parents/carers will get to choose whether they want to order some of our cards to give out to family or friends. 

We learnt how to glue the shapes and talked about the best place to put the circles. We drew the eyes mouth, arms and legs. 

Pyjama Party

Meeting Blaze the Hamster