In our Summer 1 Science topic, we have looked at the topic ‘Animals including Humans.’ We have looked at different food chains and have been grouping sets of animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
For our Spring 1 Science topic, we have been looking at Electricity. Here, you can see us sorting objects into conductors and insulators, as well as identifying the different parts of a circuit.
In Science, we have been learning about sound and have done some different sound experiments. These have included experimenting where sound travels from, looking at sound in solids, liquids and gasses, finding out how sound comes from vibrations and even making our own string telephones where we explored how they sounded differently, depending on how we used them.
For our final Science experiment we tested sound through different materials. We put these materials against our ears and played an instrument while doing this. We then decided which material made the sound quietest. It turned out to be cotton wool.
We have just covered the different parts of the body in our 'Animals including Humans' topic. We learnt all the different parts and put these together in a skeleton diagram.