Summer 2
Week 1:
This week we are looking at doubling and halving different quantities. We know that doubling means to add the same amount to the given number and that halving means to divide a quantity into two equal groups.
Week 2:
This week we are investigating how to group different objects together and how to share quantities equally. We know that for it to be equal, each group needs to have the same amount.
Week 3:
This week we are looking at patterns, specifically the pattern within odd and even numbers. We are becoming familiar with what odd and even numbers are and how to work out how a number is odd or even by looking at pairs.
Week 4:
This week we are consolidating our skills to estimate and recall number bonds to 10. We are using books to support our learning including Harry’s Bucket full of Dinosaurs and Mr Gumpy’s Day Out.
Week 5:
This week we are looking repeating patterns being continual as part of an ongoing shape. For example a repeating pattern in the shape of a circle. There is no end point, as it just continues flowing around and around.
We will also be exploring positional language and spacial reasoning. This involves the children being able to reason and explain the location and position of different buildings/objects on real-life maps as well as on maps they draw themselves.