Bookbag checklist
Book Bag Checklist
Every Friday, your child will come home with a spelling book, reading book, reading record, times table book and a homework book. These should then all be returned in their bookbag the following Thursday so that they can be updated.
Spellings - spellings are on a 2 week rotation, meaning that they will have the same spellings for 2 weeks and will be tested on these twice. Spellings will be stuck in their spelling book where there is space to practice them. They will then be tested on these on a Thursday. Any spellings they correctly spell will be highlighted in their spelling book.
Times Tables - your child will receive a times table book in which a times table mountain will be stuck in the front. A star will be stuck on the times table that your child is currently working on. Each week, your child will be tested on the appropriate times table. Once they have passed this, they will continue to work their way up the times table mountain. Please ensure these are practised at home to keep your child progressing along the mountain.
Homework - your child will receive two pieces of homework each week. One piece will be focused on the maths being covered that week and the other piece will vary each week. It may be adventure based, spag based or research based.
Reading - your child will bring home each week a new reading book and reading record. Please ensure your child reads this book at home and that an adult then signs their reading record every week.