Classroom displays
In my garden....
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We love the story of the hungry caterpillar and are able to retell the story. We worked together to make a big caterpillar , we used our hands to tear bits of tissue paper and scissors to snip paper to decorate the circle to make his body . It was fun making the feet for the caterpillars, we used brown paint and painted our hands to make hand prints. We made name caterpillars and wrote the letters of our names into circles and then stuck them together to make caterpillars. We talked about what he ate on the different days of the week and were able to find the correct food to match the days of the week . To develop our fine motor skills, we used a hole punch and wool to do some threading in leaves and also used our fingers to paint with to make some fabulous hungry caterpillar paintings.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff was another favourite with our children. We joined in with the phrases “who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?”
We made a story tray and acted out the story as we played, using phrases form the story. “I‘m going to eat you up!” “ oh no you’re not, wait for my brother he’s bigger than me!” We made goat faces using paper plates and did some great cutting and snipping . We painted some fabulous trolls, some looked really terrible and grumpy! We found out that in different stories the trolls all looked different so we made some fabulous shape trolls, look at their funny faces!
Goldilocks and the three bears
We loved reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. As we read we joined in and used different voices for the different bears . Outside , we arranged bears, bowls and spoons according to size, we used the words big, large, biggest, bigger, middle sized, medium, small, little and tiny when talking about the different sized items . We made Goldilocks headbands, painted bears, made our own bowls or porridge and cut yellow ribbon to give Goldilocks her fabulous golden hair.
Once upon a time
To begin our adventure …Once upon a time , we shared the book ‘You choose fairytales’. We talked about places the stories might happen in and castles and princess palaces were quite popular. We make shape castle pictures and models and also used a light box and cellophane shapes, arranging them to create different castles. After reading the gingerbread man , we decorated gingerbread people templates and then made our own gingerbread men which we enjoyed eating with our milk. We read the recipe and then drew/made marks showing how to make a gingerbread man.
Acorn Nursery display
Our nursery class is called ‘Acorn Class’. At the beginning of the year we all decorated an acorn and stuck our photograph in the middle. We have placed them all together on a display , we are looking forward to having a wonderful year together.