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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Welcome to Ash Class.

Starting our Reception Journey!


During your child’s time in Reception at Westwood Primary School we aim to provide a learning environment where children learn well and are happy, healthy and safe and give them all the very best learning opportunities. Through achieving this, pupils will develop a broad range of skills, enabling them to confidently access future learning. 


We are very proud of our open door policy which means parents are welcome into the classroom at the beginning and end of the day to have a chat with the class teacher or teaching assistant. We want parents and carers to feel welcome and be involved as much as possible with their child’s school life. 

If you would prefer a longer talk or to have a chat somewhere private this can be arranged at a convenient time.

New for Autumn 2



Ash Class will have PE on Tuesday mornings.


The PE teacher is Mr Frankland.


Each child will need a PE kit which consists of white T-shirt, black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings and black pumps. Help your child by encouraging them to be more independent with dressing at home. 

Books Bags


Each child will need a book bag which they bring to school everyday. In the first few weeks of school your child will be given a reading book this is to be shared at home with an adult. Reading books will be changed every Friday. 

Every week a star of the week will be chosen. The star will be rewarded with a certificate and prize from Miss Dibnah. Each star of the week is chosen for achieving something fantastic, this could be achieving a target personal to them and impressing all of the staff in Ash Class.


Autumn 1

Week 1 - Settling in week (no star of the week)

Week 2 - George K

Week 3 - Jake W

Week 4 - Archie D

Week 5 - Elsa W

Week 6 - Ebonie W

Week 7 - Mutiat K

Week 8 - Star of the Half Term : Deacon M

Autumn 2 

Week 1:Penny

Week 2: Oakley

Week 3: Rose

Week 4: Mason

Week 5: Mia

Week 6: Kai

Week 7: Charlie

Star of the Half Term: Mia Hart-Kumar



Week 1: Ellie May

Week 2: Oliver Cogill

Week 3: Jaxon

Week 4: Dylan

Week 5: George


Spring 2

Week 1: Mutiat

Week 2: Oakley

Week 3: Jake

Week 4: