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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Adventure 4: Rio vs The Rainforest

Our adventure began where our last one ended: flying home from Sydney. However after the horrendous windy weather recently we were blown off course in our hot air balloon and ended up in Rio de Janeiro.

After arriving there, the children were intrigued about where in the world we were. They used electronic maps to locate South America, Brazil and key Brazilian cities on a map. They also learnt more about Rio’s well-known human and physical features.

After exploring the city, the children noticed a protest taking place near Christ the Redeemer. After a closer look, and imagineering what a protest would be like, the children wrote eyewitness accounts detailing what they saw.

Eyewitness Account by Kaitlyn

Eyewitness Account by Evie

Eyewitness Account by Lucas

Eyewitness Account by Josh

Ricardo's Diary by Luca

Ricardo's Diary by Roisin

How The Anteater Got Its Nose by Jayda

How The Anteater Got Its Nose by Kayden