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Westwood Primary School

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'all' sight word (handwriting practice)

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Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To

Please sponsor me and support my work by becoming a Patron!! 3 Tricky Words song as requested by many :) Tricky word...



I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.


Please also complete daily spellings, handwriting and any extra phonics games from the phonics game tab on cherry remote learning page.


This week's spellings:








Please practice spellings at home for a short time each day.


The children are counting how many items there is 'altogether' and how this can be broken down into equal groups. It is important the children count carefully and recognise that equal groups are groups with the same amount of items. 


Mr Mole seems to have very good digging skills and would probably be useful in our search for the missing treasure chest. I would like us to write a letter to Mr Mole and see if he would like to join us. We must make sure we explain why he would be useful and what we would need him for. 



Dear Mr Mole

We would like you to come with us to help find the missing treasure chest. You have a super sense of smell and might be able to sniff out the treasure chest. You are so clever and can dig up the ground using your long strong snout.....

From Miss Cunningham


Make sure you include capital letters, full stops, 'and', adjectives and beautiful handwriting. It is so important you present your work neatly and take time with your handwriting.


Can you follow the instructions below and have a go at making your own pirate hat? You could even draw a funky design to make your hat super special!

How to Make a Paper Hat - Origami - Simple and Easy Folds - Step by Step Instructions

This video shows a simple and easy way to make a paper hat. This cap was made from an A4 sheet of paper and was too small to fit on my head. However I rememb...