Adventure 1 Up, Up and Away
Our trip to the Yorkshire Air Museum
This afternoon, Miss Whitehead came running in to tell us something had happened on the field. We quickly went out to find a plane crash! There was no one there so we had to work out who might have been flying the plane. We had some clues and worked out that the pilots must be the Wright brothers!

We received a parcel from the Wright brother's containing a kite. They wanted us to have a love of flying just like them. We went up to the field and had great fun learning to fly them.


This week we looked at how the plane could go fast enough to stay in the sky safely but also be able to slow down when it lands. We looked at different materials, thought about their properties and predicted which material would slow the plane down quickest based on them. We tested each material out by dropping a plane down a ramp and measuring how far the plane travelled.

In history, we have been looking at the life of the Wright Brother's. We put their life in a timeline and thought about the different years each event happened.
In RE, we have been looking at how people celebrate special events and what events are special to different people and religions. We have been looking at how Christians celebrate Harvest festival. We looked at how corn was milled and thought about what we could make from this. We made our own loaf of bread, carefully following the instructions.

Another special event we learnt about was Thanksgiving. We thought about what we are thankful for and made a web of thanks.
This week we have been looking at balance. We want our plane to be able to balance in the sky so that it doesn't end up like the one on the field! We met Mabel the motorbike and had a go at balancing on her! We then got to try on her helmet, gloves and jacket!
In RE we looked at how different festivals and special events are celebrated. We looked at Christmas, birthdays, Eid and Easter.

At the end of our adventure we went to the Yorkshire Air Museum and looked at how planes developed from the Wright Brothers invention.