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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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How do creation stories help people understand the world?

What do Christians believe about a good life?

How do the five pillars guide Muslims?

As part of their learning about Judaism, LKS2 Classes all visited the Sinai Synagogue in North Leeds.

Why are Gurus at the heart of the Sikh belief and practice?

LKS2 began learning about the ten Gurus and their significance. They went around the classroom finding out facts about each of them.

LKS2  were very warmly welcomed at the Sikh Temple in Beeston and were given opportunities to ask questions and help with their learning.


Serenity asks the question...  How are important events remembered?



Why is the light of Hanukkah so important to Jews?


LKS2 are learning how different religions celebrate festivals of light.

Firstly, they looked at the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.  They retold the story and answered questions on the importance of light within this festival.


The children have been learning about the creation stories and comparing these to each other as well as comparing them to our historical learning about the creation of man. We read the Christian and Jewish creation story and then had to match the pictures to statements from Genesis.

Children in Mulberry class shared their knowledge about Diwali. 

Christianity - Beliefs and practises

The children considered ways in which Christians can help others and talked about ways they can help to look after the planet.


LKS2 have been learning about Judaism and the origin of the religion. The learned about the significant sacrifice Sarah and Abraham made and did some drama, getting into role to help them imagine how they felt. Following this, they discovered how many people have a special relationship with God and some even follow ‘rules’. They explored the Ten Commandments and then made their own, and considered things they believed were important and would help to live a good life.  


Visit to Sinai Synagogue


As part of their learning about Judaism, the LKS2 classes visited the Sinai Synagogue in Roundhay.  Their guide Caroline, shared information about the synagogue with the children.  Outside, they looked at the special windows in Sinai shaped as a menorah and to went to see the Sukkah. Caroline explained that this was a temporary hut built at the synagogue for the festival of Sukkot. It is common for Jews to eat, sleep and otherwise spend time in the Sukkah. In Judaism, Sukkot is considered a joyous occasion.

Inside, the children learned about the Hebrew language and were taught how to spell, write and say the Hebrew phrase ‘Shalom’ and discussed other elements of the synagogue, including their books.  The children were shown The Ark and three of their Torah scrolls.  Caroline explained about the lamp above the Ark representing God’s presence.  The children were able to look closely at one of the Torah scrolls and understood the importance of not touching it because the oil in their hands could damage the 200-year-old scroll.  To end the visit, the children compared a traditional synagogue and Sinai and had opportunities to ask any questions.

Children in Mulberry have been  researching different traditions in wedding ceremonies for Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu and Islam religions.

They then chose one of these to research further and some children in school recreated a wedding of this type.

Children learning at home, sent in photos to share their work. 

LKS2  Have been thinking about the question - How did it all begin? 

They have considered  the beliefs and theories about the origin and nature of the world.   They retold the Christian Creation story and used pictures to show the events of each day. 

The children in years 3 and 4 have been comparing the Christian celebration of Christmas and the Jewish celebrations of Hanukkah.     One of the traditions of Hanukkah is to play a game , so the children made their own paper Dreidels and then played the game with their friends.
LKS2 looked at the ten commandments and why they are important to Christians. They then wrote their own version.
They thought about different situations and how people would react to them. They then compared this to how Christians would react.
In Spring 2 LKS2 looked at the similarities and differences between the home shrine and the Mandir. They discovered lots of interesting facts.