Monday 5th
This week in Maths, we will be continuing with our problem solving skills and having to apply all that we have covered in Maths to help us solve a range of problems....
Following on from our live session at 9.30, you will need to complete the following:
- Arithmetic questions from Monday's arithmetic slides.
- The Puzzling sweet shop worksheet.
Remember to send your work to our class email address:
Guided Reading
Following on from our Reading session at 10.30, you will need to complete your prediction worksheet.
After finishing reading the end of chapter 1, you will have probably been left with a lot of unanswered questions about what has happened to Zoe.
Use your prediction skills to answer some of the prediction questions, making sure you refer back to evidence you have already found out from the text.
Following on from our Writing session at 1.30, you will now need to plan and begin writing your letter.
You will have found out that Dumbledore is wanting to close Hogwarts! We need to write a persuasive letter, giving him lots of reasons as to why he shouldn't. Look back through the slides and remind yourself of the persuasive techniques you could use in your letter, and then use the letter plan sheet to jot down some counterarguments for the points that Dumbledore made in his letter.
Then using the guide on the slides, begin to write your opening paragraph to Dumbledore....remember this is a letter so don't forget the features of a letter!