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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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We have been writing all about the Whomping Wood. Below is a selection of the children's setting descriptions and missing posters for the Island Treasure Chest. Well done Cherry class!
Poetry - We wrote poems about the sounds of the Whomping wood inspired by The Sound Collector
We wrote character descriptions for the Native Americans who helped us calm the whomping willow. Cherry class used some amazing adjectives and I loved reading everyone's work!
Cherry Class spent the afternoon enjoying the beautiful winter weather! They played in the snow and wrote a letter to Miss Cunningham and Mrs Walker all about their afternoon. Well done Cherry Class, your writing is brilliant!
Cherry Class wrote some amazing reports on starfish! The children use subheadings to layout their work and included very interesting factual information.
We have been busy in the mysterious maze this week and created some brilliant writing. We described the maze setting, created adverts to persuade people to visit our maze and we also created our very own mazes!
This week we read the story 'Mr Mole I'm Home' and rewrote the story. We also wrote a letter inviting Mr Mole along to join us on our search for the missing treasure chest.
This week we have arrived at the Cryptic Caves! However, the caves are blocked by a terrifying three-headed dog. We put the dog to sleep by creating a sleeping potion. Have a look at our work below...
Today we wrote instructions for our sleeping potion, have a look at our work below!