Early Years Reading
Reading in Early Years
‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’
- Dr Seuss
At Westwood we understand that reading influences every aspect of our daily lives. A child's confidence in reading is determined at an early age, so it is our responsibility to effectively teach key skills and promote a love of reading to our children in Nursery and Reception. How well we do this significantly impacts on their future.
How do we ensure each child becomes a confident reader?
We promote an early love of reading and a natural interest in books. We do this by ensuring children have access to high quality books throughout the day. Books are used to enhance play space in the room and give children interesting ideas to add to their play. We base learning around books and ensure a variety of non-fiction and story books are used.
Story Time
Story time is a very special part of the day and all staff show that they value this experience. Books are carefully select with children's interests in mind. Books are displayed in inviting ways and children are given the opportunity to choose which book they would like to hear. Staff build excitement and anticipation around story time so that children are eager to listen. It is essential children hear stories as often as possible. Staff share stories as and when children want to hear them alongside a non-negotiable of 2 stories being read to the class each day, the story time books are displayed and the children vote for the one they would like to hear.
Top 10 texts
Children love to listen to stories multiple times, this increases there confidence and vocabulary. Once the children are familiar with a story, subsequent readings can allow time to explore vocabulary, join in with the story and develop comprehension. After sharing a story, children have access to the book so they can read and retell the story independently in their own time.