The Roman invasion
The children have immersed themselves into our new adventure very quickly after the half term! We packed our cases ready to go on a short adventure with detective Holmes. He was suppose to be giving us a police escort in the police box but the next thing we knew, we had been transported to Italy! We met a boy called Remus who thought we were joking when we told him we were from the year 2018. It seems we have travelled back in time to AD43! We also met his Mum who taught us a little bit of Italian. Ask your children if they can remember any of the popular words.
Remus' mother showed us around the village. We looked at all the different buildings and views around the village. The children then wrote a setting description with lots of adjectives to describe what they had seen.

After the opening, Remus' received a leaflet in the post stating that he would soon have to join the Roman army. It was a very scary leaflet and didn't make the army seem fun at all! So we decided to write our own.
To write our leaflets we had to do a lot of research on the Roman army. We looked at their armour and equipment used by Roman soldiers and labelled them, describing their uses. The children then had a go at making their own shields to take with them on their journey. They looked just like the real thing and Remus couldn't wait to show them off at the army camp.

After we had made Remus’ shield, we set off on our journey to invade Britain. It was a very long journey, so Remus thought he would fill us in on the Roman invasions so far. We learnt lots about it and made notes for the different maps we looked at.
Next, we met lots of different people living in Britain, we met a roman soldier, a slave, a Roman general, a trader, a Celt and we met the Celtic queen Boudicca. They all told us different stories about what was happening in Britain and how it affected them. We got into role and wrote a diary as our character to talk about what was happening and how we felt about it.
One of the characters was Boudicca, her husband was the King of the Celts who died. After his death the Romans decided that the Celts had to pay more taxes and give up more land. Boudicca wanted to stop the Romans from invading, but she needed help from her Iceni tribe. We decided to help her to write a persuasive speech. Boudicca was impressed as all our speeches were extremely passionate and helped her to build a huge army.
Next, Tiber the Roman general wanted to hunt down Boudicca, so we helped him to create wanted posters. We had to describe her in great detail as the Romans didn’t have cameras!
We then learnt all about how Roman roads were built and where we could still find them today in England.
We watched this video clip to show us how the Romans travelled around.
After that we learnt about Hadrian’s Wall and why it was built and what was there. We found it so interesting that we wanted to write a Non-chronological report about it so that we could tell our family when we got back home.
After working hard on our reports, we wanted to go and relax, so Remus took us to a Roman bathhouse. The one we went to wasn’t very good so we decided to design our own!