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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Writer of the Half Term

Autumn 1.


Mutiat produced an incredible piece of writing inviting Elder and Mulberry class to come and watch our performance of King Midas. She used all the correct punctuation, wizard words and also gave us humour with her writing too! Great job Mutiat.


Autumn 2.


Joey wrote a lovely piece of writing on BumFresh Towers. I loved how he used all of his own ideas and I think he described the place perfectly.  Keep it up Joey!


Spring 1.


Airida produced an amazing piece of writing with her letter to Aurora. I was so impressed with all of the greater depth work she used. Good work! 


Spring 2


Blake wrote an advert for people to come join the Roman army. He did such a convincing job and I loved all the greater depth elements he used too. Super!


Summer 1


Raigen wrote an amazing piece about why she would like to be a gladiator. I was so impressed with it as her handwriting and spelling was perfect! Great job Raigen.