Autumn 2
Angels, Miracles and Magic
Meet Whoops a Daisy Angel, a clumsy, light hearted and slightly grubby Angel that needs to learn how to do Angel things properly. Our adventure this term is centred around 'Nativity' and helping Whoops a daisy Angel find her way back to heaven whilst helping deliver the message to Mary that she is going to have a baby.
This week the children talked about heroes on Remembrance Day and what kind of jobs people do when they protect us. We wrote a message to our heroes in the form of a giant poppy and also collaged a poppy and wrote our names on it.
We also met Whoops A Daisy Angel and talked about what she could use to keep herself clean and why it is important to keep ourselves clean and tidy.
The children wrote some lists to help her.
They also met the wobbly wizard who had broken his wand and needed to place 6 cubes back on it to get it working again.
We have investigated how feathers float and where they come from and also how germs spread.

Week 2
This week Whoops a Daisy Angel got fed up of counting snowflakes for her job and decided she would rather become a messenger. She learned how to write secret messages and the children wrote their own secret messages to help WDA tell Mary she would have a baby.
The number of the week has been number 7 and the children counted out and drew 7 snowflakes. We also went on a very exciting trip to Asda to get 7 ingredients for our cakes. We wrote our own shopping lists using our Read Write Inc phonics cards and we really enjoyed making fluffy Angel cakes to finish the week as a special treat. Well done everybody in Birch - what a fantastic week!

Week 3
At Westwood this week WDA got given the job of messenger by the Angels. We talked about what animals she might expect to see in the stable when she arrived in Bethmehem and labelled and sounded them out. We also labelled WDA with clothes that would help her look better. We were super excited to go to Skelton grange and explored the number seven with natural materials. We also did den building, looked at seasonal changes and animals and habitats.
We enjoyed looking for bugs under logs and investigating the bug hotels, we also made a leaf crown and played in the outdoor music area. To finish off we had a campfire.