Please practice letter formation for a few minutes daily to ensure the children's handwriting continues to improve.
This week's spellings:
Please practice your spellings at home.
I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete the extra phonics lesson below - in class we usually do 2 lessons of phonics a day so it would be great if an extra could be done at home.
Story - Enjoy!
I would like the children to practice number patterns and filling in the missing numbers.
The number patterns can go up in 1s, 2s, 5s, or 10s. This will require the children to use their times tables so also recommend having a look at the times tables songs by hopscotch on youtube.
To help the children with the number patters, a number line can be used as it can sometimes be hard to count backwards mentally. Reinforce the children jumping backwards (the number gets smaller) and forwards (the number gets bigger).
Writing -
I thought it would be fun for the children to instead write a letter to me about their snow day - they could go outside and enjoy the snow, play games and experience the winter weather. In the letter they could describe what the snow feels like, looks like and sounds like. This could link closely to the season of 'winter', why is it snowing? What is snow made of? I can't wait to read your letters.
This week we have been exploring the whomping woods to find clues that might point us in the direction of the missing treasure chest. We found a key in the whomping willow but the tree would not let us near - it's branches flew through the air and it threw leaves and bark at us to keep us away.
Today, I would like you to write a letter to the Native American's asking for help and advice for how to get closer to the tree. Have a think about how a letter should be laid out, and what you need to include.
Dear Native Americans,
I need your help with the huge whomping willow tree. It keeps hitting us with its long twisted branches and throwing spikey leaves. We need to get closer to collect the next clue. I do not know what to do next. Please can you help us?
From ____
I would really like the children to include a question in their letter - using a question mark. This is new to some children so they could practice how to form the question mark first then discuss where it goes in a question, at the beginning? At the end?
In their letters, I would like the children to include adjectives and 'and' to extend. It is important they sound out to spell using their fred fingers, even if this is the incorrect spelling. Once they have finished, it would be great if they could edit their work, correcting those spellings and adding any missing punctuation or capital letters.