Our Big Fat Greek Adventure
This half term, we have been on an exciting adventure to Greece. First we made our passports so we could travel to Greece. Then we spent some time researching lots of information on this country. We looked at the location of Greece on a map of Europe and we found that there are around 1400 islands in Greece but only 227 of them are inhabited! We continued our research into the main islands of Greece and found that they were very different.
The children then had to create a pitch, Dragon Den style on which island was the best one for us to visit.
The children had to find out the cost of travelling to Greece, including the flights, transfers and accommodation. They then had to add these using column method to work out the cheapest options.
Some of the children reading out their pitch. The Dragons were so impressed, it was a very difficult decision having to choose which island to visit.

Mykonos was the island we decided to visit. In the classroom we imagined we were travelling to the airport, checking in for the plane and flying to Greece. When we landed in Greece we headed straight for the island and to the beach!Before we arrived at the " beach", we thought about what we would find, the sea, the sand and the mountains. We thought about different adjectives we could use to describe the pictures around the classroom for the beach scene, the beach hut, cafes and hotels.
For our art lessons, the children found out about the artist Anselm Kiefer. We looked at many of his paintings and sculptures that he created with glass, straw, wood and even plant parts. A lot of his work are images showing buildings or objects that are damaged, old or fragile. We looked at pictures of old buildings and farmhouses and tried to incorporate his styles into our own drawings. Using art pencils we sketched houses and buildings with lots of detail. We tried to use shading to age the buildings and make them look damaged.

The outcome of the debate meant that Nikos and his family would stay in Mykonos. We decided to stay and help out and get the family back on their feet. Class 3/4 looked at different ways for the family to make money and we decided to turn the farmhouse into a restaurant! It seemed like the best idea because we could use the animals for the meat and dairy as well as growing crops on the farmland to cut down costs.
We invited the parents to come and join us for the grand opening of the new restaurant Greeka. There, they sampled the food on offer and enjoyed the entertainment of singing and dancing. The children had a lovely afternoon despite being very busy in the morning preparing the food, sharing out the jobs and creating the menu's and placemats. The children were given roles as waiters, chef's, security, cleaners and front of house. All of the children took turns to chop and prepare the food which was served to the parents in our very own restaurant. We made bunting to decorate the room and musical instruments for the entertainment.