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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Year 1 and 2 setting description of an Elf workshop including adjectives

Year 1 description of a circus focusing on correct letter formation and use of capital letters and full stops.

Year 2 setting description of the Mad Hater's Tea Party focusing on the senses

Year 3 Greek story including adjectives and speech

Year 3 story of Maximus' Rise to Power including expanded noun phrases, questions and speech

Year 3 character description including adverbs and commas for lists

Year 4 Greek story including powerful adjectives, speech and fronted adverbials

Year 4 character description including prepositions, conjunctions and figurative language. Long edit version attached too.

Year 4/5 setting description of a Greek Parthenon including fronted adverbials, similes and metaphors

Year 6 story writing about a magical Mayan headdress including describing the atmosphere, fronted adverbials and prepositional phrases and dialogue.

Year 6 setting description after the Blitz including hyphenated words and adverbial phrases

Year 6 character description including prepositional phrases and active and passive voice

Year 6 setting description including atmosphere, passive voice and prepositional phrases

Year 5 playscript including parenthesis

Year 6 story of How the Anteater got its nose including senses, passive voice and Y6 punctuation

Year 6 eyewitness account of a protest including describing atmosphere

Entertain - Mark marking

In nursery, they focussed on mark marking and pencil grip. The children used a range of coloured pencils to make marks and say the meaning of their marks to a teacher.

Entertain - Story writing

The children in Sycamore were then given a title to a story, ‘The Magical Headdress’. They had to write a story about the Mayan headdress they made becoming magical and transporting them to a different place. They learnt the new wizard words for that week before completing work on fronted adverbials, adverbs and describing the setting.

Entertain - Initial sounds

In Reception, the children were met by some half-eaten cake left by the Alien in their adventure story. They felt he needed to be healthier so wrote him a shopping list focusing on recognising initial sounds. They sent the list to the alien and the shopping then magically came to the classroom for the children to see if the alien had understood his list.

Entertain - Character description

In Chestnut, the children wrote a character description of Leon based on not only his looks but his personality too. They imagineered what it would be like for Leon travelling through the magic box with the classroom in darkness and coloured material and fairy lights decorating the tables. They wrote about what kind of a person he was and what he looked like, using the conjunction ‘but’ as an objective.