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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Elder, Mulberry & Oak


Throughout the year the children follow La Jolie Ronde scheme of work in French, using rhymes, songs, videos, games to make learning fun and memorable.


Year 3

The children begin by learning numbers to 10 along with greetings. Here the children are practising their counting and using software to check their learning. 









Here the children are using their greetings vocabulary to play a French Snap game.



If you would like to join in with the fun and help your child to practise their skills here is a link to one of our number songs. We hope you enjoy it!




The children further extend their knowledge and understanding of French by learning classroom instructions, colours, fruit, the days of the week, months and seasons. They particularly enjoy singing our C'est La Semaine song, which is sung to the Adam's Family tune, and this has really helped them to remember the new vocabulary.



Year 4

In Year 4 we revisit colours, using simple painting by numbers activities to reinforce not only the colour vocabulary but also numbers, extending to 20.

The children then learn parts of the body including the French version of Heads, Shoulder, Knees and Toes - Tête, Epaules, Genoux et Pieds.

You can watch Mulberry singing their version below.


We learn how to say "Here is my mother/father etc" - "Voici ma mère/mon père etc".


To be able to do this the children learn the different ways of saying "my" in French and add these to their grammar table.


Still image for this video

The children regularly have the opportunity to use their Purple Mash skills to practise their current and previous French learning, playing lots of different games and quizzes, which they really enjoy!








Les Animaux

The children have been learning all about animals in French this half term.

They have been extending their knowledge to using the correct word for ‘a/an’ that corresponds to each animal.


They are also really enjoying learning a French version of Old MacDonald – Vieux MacDonald.




Vieux MacDonald a une ferme

A, o, a, o, a

Et en sa ferme il a une vache

A, o, a, o, a

Et moo, moo, moo et moo, moo, moo

Ici moo, là moo

Moo, moo, moo

Vieux MacDonald a une ferme

A, o, a, o, a

They have also been combining their French skills with their computing skills to create Mind Maps of animals in French.